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how to regain momentum after a tough year | Philly blogger | Philly mua

I was asked this question on Instagram. I answered it in a very, very long series of stories. However, we need to see things 7-21 times to buy it so I definitely know we need to see it more than once to learn. I imagine others are visual learns like myself. I pick up so much from reading and taking my own notes.

Here are four ways to regain momentum:


Seriously, the best way to regain the momentum you lost is to forgive yourself. I don’t mean to be so “hippy-dippy” but it’s the best thing to move forward. Everyone is doing the best they can. Your plate is full and breaking. We get that, we see that. Forgive yourself for not being perfect. And stop trying to be perfect.

Create For pleasure

Don’t jump right back into work mode. Create for passion and fun. Create for inspiration. This could be doing a puzzle, photography, drawing in a kids coloring book, or doing a new makeup technique. Honestly, creating can be baking a cake, whatever it is -- just create. Do something that makes you feel alive and inspired in your life again.


“Plan to work and work to plan” my mentor, Crystal Wright always says.

It’s one of the things that my all over the place Gemini self-registered. I struggle to plan. But, lack of consistency meant a lack of money in my pockets.

Be consistent after you start to regain momentum. This doesn’t mean go back to 10 photoshoots, six model calls, doing live Instagram tutorials, and a podcast in one week. Small shifts that you consistently do will lead to big views in the end.


This goes hand in hand with consistency. If you say you’re going to do it -- fucking do it. Make sure your network keeps you accountable and keep them accountable. The company you keep is a great reason to build momentum.

For more, keep following my blog, my Instagram, and my TikTok. 2021 momentum is already starting and I have tons of things coming this way!

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